Men's ministry

[34] A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. [35] By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:35

The men of Christ Community Church gather regularly for what we call Monthly Men's Meetups on Thursdays after the 2nd Sunday of every month throughout our ministry year that runs from September to May.  However, due to holidays and other reasons, they might meet on a different night, so be sure to check the schedule.  These meetups are designed to be social outings that are casual and fun with the hope to build friendship with one another.  You can see our current schedule below for this ministry year, as well as submit an inquiry if you are interested in learning more.

Men's Meetup Schedule

October 2024

Join the men of Christ Community Church on October 17th at 7:30PM for TBD.

November 2024

Join the men of Christ Community Church on November 14th at 7:30PM for TBD.

December 2024

Join the men of Christ Community Church on December 12th at 7:30PM for TBD.

January 2025

Join the men of Christ Community Church on January 16th at 7:30PM for TBD.

February 2025

Join the men of Christ Community Church on February 13th at 7:30PM for TBD.

March 2025

Join the men of Christ Community Church on March 13th at 7:30PM for TBD.

April 2025

Join the men of Christ Community Church on April 17th at 7:30PM for TBD.

May 2025

Join the men of Christ Community Church on May 15th at 7:30PM for TBD.

Interested in learning more?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.