A New Church Launching in the Blue Ash area of Cincinnati, OH
Christ Community Church is a new church launching in the northeastern suburb of Cincinnati known as Blue Ash whose vision is to be a diverse community of Christ followers who belong together, believe the gospel, and bless our neighbors. Click the links below to learn more about our purpose, our leadership, and our beliefs as we seek to establish ourselves as a church in the Blue Ash area, of the Blue Ash area, for the Blue Ash area.
Update: As of August 4, 2024, we finished up having preview services with the hopes to launch public Sunday morning worship services in the Fall of 2024. More details are forthcoming, so please fill out an online connect card to stay updated.
Christ Community Church officially began in January of 2023 when our sending church, North Cincinnati Community Church, petitioned our denominational network to begin a new church in the densely populated and diverse area of Blue Ash, calling former Blue Ash resident and Sycamore High School alumni, Eric Shrimpton, to be the planting pastor, and long term Blue Ash resident and Young Life staff member, Gordon Anaple, to be the planting elder.
Since then, Eric and Gordon, along with their families and a core group of others from the Blue Ash area have been praying and laying the foundation for a new church committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who love God and love people in the Blue Ash area of Cincinnati and beyond.
Currently, we are transitioning to the "Pre-Launch Phase" of church planting where we are preparing to begin pre-launch services at 4PM on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, starting in April at the Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati (11256 Cornell Park Dr #514, Blue Ash, OH 45242). As we look to launch these services, we will continue to do the work of networking within our target area, gathering and growing as a core team, casting vision to prospective launch team members, and more as we take the necessary steps forward in preparing to gather for weekly Sunday morning worship.
To learn more about our journey, click the links below to see our progress and our events page to see more of what is happening now at Christ Community Church.
Since then, Eric and Gordon, along with their families and a core group of others from the Blue Ash area have been praying and laying the foundation for a new church committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who love God and love people in the Blue Ash area of Cincinnati and beyond.
Currently, we are transitioning to the "Pre-Launch Phase" of church planting where we are preparing to begin pre-launch services at 4PM on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, starting in April at the Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati (11256 Cornell Park Dr #514, Blue Ash, OH 45242). As we look to launch these services, we will continue to do the work of networking within our target area, gathering and growing as a core team, casting vision to prospective launch team members, and more as we take the necessary steps forward in preparing to gather for weekly Sunday morning worship.
To learn more about our journey, click the links below to see our progress and our events page to see more of what is happening now at Christ Community Church.
If you are interested in learning more about Christ Community Church or even joining us in this church planting journey, we’d love to hear from you! At our current phase, the best way to connect with us would be to fill out the online connect card at the link below. Once you fill out the connect card, our planting pastor, Eric Shrimpton, will follow up with you to schedule a time to connect and answer any questions you might have.
Until we are ready to launch our own Sunday morning worship services, feel free to check out one of Pastor Eric’s past sermons from North Cincinnati Community Church in Mason where he served as an assistant pastor from 2016 to 2023. Once we launch Sunday morning worship, we will begin loading new sermons as they are available.